Saturday, November 1, 2008

Grand Opening!!!


Check it out. I love this site. I highly encourage file folder games as an inexpensive tool to engage your child in the learning process. They are adding to the library weekly. They have more pre k and kindergarten right now but you can adapt them to fit your needs if you are creative. They have a blank pumpkin template that you can use to adapt to the skills you are working on. So check it out and print away!!!


Unknown said...

I checked this out, very cute site!!!

God Bless you sister!

Shazza said...

Hi Melanie, thanks for the link, hope you are well

Kristin said...

Thanks for the link, can't wait to check it out - I have used file folder games in the classroom before and LOVE THEM! Well, I haven't blogged for over a month, but am starting back up....I made the rounds this morning, but didn't stop by here so I wanted to say I hope your Thanksgiving was FABULOUS and that you had some blessed time with your family! Blessings... xo Kristin

Deborah said...

Hi, I just came by your blog to look at your cards and wow, I discovered that you are christian and do school stuff too. How cool. :)

I have a yahoogroup with a TON of FREE printables on it if you are interested.